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Micah Brown - Ceo & Producer 


Drake Cummings - Design Director


Sir-Martinique Brown - Art Director 


Dexter McDowell - Developer 


Dan Stover - Developer


Mitchell Quach - Developer 


Jame Pendziszewski - Sound/Music Director




Team Members
Our mission, to take Gaming to a new level. Along with this ambition we hope that not only to draw in already existing game lovers around the world but, to bring in a larger audience by broadening the users imagination. This larger crowd that we hope to attract will include individuals who have hobbies not just  in video games but in other leisure activities. To attract this new group of people, we will target areas of interest that not only entrance the imagination but find innovative ways to increase the way they have fun. We will show that our games can satisfy the needs that people have by offering a much better gaming experience than our competitors. This thought ties into the belief and opportunity that we believe exist in the gaming industry. What we have is a stronger foundation than our competitors and will show it in our production. Though video games are both a source of fun and knowledge, it is our intent to make them stand for much more than what traditional games bring to the world of enjoyment.
Our further mission as a company is to build a profound foundation for the future of entertainment. This foundation will support and unify the markets of video game development, analog game development, competitive play, mass media, social interaction and universal international identification. We hope to bring to entertainment a mentality that develops ambition. To passion and success. With our ever growing team of dedicated members, everyday is a professional and personal challenge that we are willing to take on. This challenge will push us to be better than we were the day before and to breed a culture that stands for more than our individual selves. Our goals for the company adhere to a standard of excellence and fun that will be unrivaled in any other company. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos (mascots) are our chosen brand images because we believe in the deeper values of the human spirit and the desire to fly with wings of credibility, creativity and logic. With our chosen mission we have a desire to be a symbol that strives to be a beacon of light, life, and hope. Greater within us! Rise up and meet your challenge!



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